Good reasons to be a member:
to get up-to-date information of all kinds about:
- advanced training
- national and international congresses, meetings, conferences ...
- current publications
- professional political issues
- vacancies
to exchange ideas with colleagues
- to enrich your own practice
- for collegial inter- and covision
- for the planning and implementation of joint projects
to be able to borrow literature from the specialist library:
- trade journals
- Books
- Lecture manuscripts
in order to be able to establish international contacts, because our association is probably the only European association of artistic therapists in which so many foreign diplomas are represented and in which so many different languages are spoken (Luxembourgish, German, French, English, Portuguese, Spanish , Italian, Dutch, Serbo-Croatian, Danish, etc.)
to take part in conferences and training courses at a preferential price
to promote the quality assurance of our work
to get support for research projects
to be placed on a list that can be consulted by potential clients seeking a qualified artistic therapist
to actively participate in the establishment and recognition of our profession - the more and the better organized we are, the more weight we have!
As an active member In accordance with the applicable guidelines, upon written application for admission , all those persons are admitted who can prove to a certain extent completed training in an artistic form of therapy. The membership fee is currently 100 euros. Job seekers pay half.
You can be accepted as a student member if you are in training to become an artistic therapist. In addition to the completed application form, we need a valid certificate of enrollment. The membership fee is currently 50 euros.
If you are neither a trained artistic therapist nor an artistic therapist studying, but would like to support our cause, you can become a supporting member of the ALAtD with 50 euros or a voluntarily higher amount. This means that you can take part in all of our events at a reduced price.
Music therapy
As most of us has experienced, music has the special quality of being able to touch people's emotions directly. Music therapy makes use of this and aims to open up communication channels via a non-verbal route.
If the client plays music himself, we speak of active music therapy; if the focus is on consciously listening to selected pieces of music, we speak of receptive music therapy. Both can be combined and alternated as needed.
Since musical improvisation plays a major role, it is not necessary to know how to play an instrument; one can even benefit from music therapy without any previous musical training.